Sunday, September 28, 2008

My first post to my first blog!

Wow, this is a strange feeling. I've always wanted to write a book but haven't even started one. Maybe I haven't wanted to that bad. Maybe if I do this for a while, I'll get motivated to actually start writing my book!

So...random thoughts today. I am starting week 6 of my new diet/exercise plan. I've lost 16 pounds so far! YAY ME! I just finished 45 minutes on the treadmill and I'm cooling off before hitting the shower then bed. Gotta go to work tomorrow.

Speaking of work, I thought of something while I was walking that I needed to do but can't remember what...never mind, I got it. I'm going to email myself right now so I don't forget again by tomorrow morning.

So, I've been walking a lot since starting my diet/exercise plan, and tonight I cranked it up a notch because I knew what I wanted to burn for calories but didn't want to be at it that long. I considered jogging a bit, and actually started to, but stopped. Not because I was tired, or out of breath. It just didn't feel like me. I felt like an impostor so I stopped after about 7 seconds.

What does feel like me? I'm not sure. In my mind, I'm 25 (ish) years old, and can do anything I decide to do. In reality I'm 41, shy, extremely confident at work and home but quite unsure of myself in most social situations. I am extremely obese (morbidly according to the BMI charts but I don't care for that term), and I haven't run since high school, and even then I had trouble with much distance. I think at that time I was suffering from undiagnosed exercise induced asthma. This Spring I was diagnosed with asthma and being on meds has made a huge difference for me.

Anyway, I did a bit of searching online (where else?!) and found a training program that promises that I can be running in 8 weeks. It sounds easy but I have to get past the mental block I have that I don't run. Besides, where would I do it? I'm a closet dieter; I finally told my husband after 2 weeks that I am dieting, and I told my coworker when we traveled together and I wasn't eating deserts instead of main meals. I don't want anyone to SEE me trying to jog; what if I can't do it? What if they think I'm a loser? I'm huge, so I'll look ridiculous. But still...I might try it after work sometime so my coworkers won't see me and neither will hubby. I'll let you know...

I'm having a bake sale at work this week to raise money for the American Diabetes Association. I'm baking regular and sugar-free stuff. I'm walking in the fundraiser walk in my area this coming Saturday. I didn't ask anyone to walk with me; I'm actually looking forward to some time alone (well, alone in a crowd but whatever...). If anyone is reading this and wants to donat
e, I appreciate it and so do the millions suffering from diabetes.

It's getting late, so until next time...

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