Monday, September 29, 2008

Feeling yucky today

Glad I got a decent walk last night. This morning at work, out of nowhere, I got sick. Had to stop a few times on my way home, and after a few hours, I'm feeling better but not 100%. I guess I should consider myself lucky; last week a girl I work with was out for a few days, and she had been sick all weekend too. It took her 6 days to feel better.

So, no big developments today. I came home and watched garbage tv (UFO mysteries, old sitcoms, even caught part of an infomercial). My daughter and her friend came home from school so I went in my room so I don't infect them. Here I sit, wishing I was feeling energetic enough to go out for a walk. The breeze is blowing and it's cool but good for a walk so I wouldn't sweat much.

Oh well...hoping to be feeling good tomorrow.

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